About Us

USAheritage.org has researched compiled, arranged, sponsored, and copyrighted by the Liberty Bell Education Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, all rights reserved.

The Foundation was founded on our nation’s Bi-centennial Day, July 4, 1976, by a group of businessmen in the Twin Cities “...to bring to the citizens of the Nation the true, inspiring story of the founding of our Republic, and the principles of personal freedom upon which this founding was achieved.”

This mission was accomplished in the 1970’s and 80’s through presentations in schools, churches and clubs. The Foundation provided full size replicas of the Liberty Bell which were rung by over 1,000,000 children from more than 800 schools in 36 states. These children were presented certificates for “...becoming members of the Liberty Bell Ringers of America, thus recognizing the desire to preserve and protect the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America and the Christian ideals of our founding fathers.”

The children’s teachers were encouraged to have the students write letters about the presentation and ringing the bell. Tens of thousands wrote from their heart with feelings similar to those expressed in this young boy’s letter.

Dear Mr. Head

I really enjoyed your program at Mound Park School. When I heard your poem and the bell ring, I felt so proud to be an American I wanted to stand up and salute Old Glory and just sing my heart out with American songs. I mean it was a great Bi-centennial speech. It just thrilled me to hear you and then again it brought tears to my eyes.

Your friend,

Jerry Sanman

The bell that the Foundation used to tour most of the USA is enshrined at The Highground Veterans Memorial in Wisconsin. Click here for a photo of this bell.

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Have you, as a child, seen a Liberty Bell Education Foundation school program, rang the replica of the Liberty Bell, and/or written a letter to the Liberty Bell man?